Do you Trust Your Gut??

Our intuition is often the quickest survival instinct. As we age our confidence builds, our ego grows, our habits from, yet our body is still in control of its survival. Next time you run unconsciously – allowing your emotions to take control, remember that your...
I Found The Key To Life

I Found The Key To Life

I found the key to live a happy life. But what is a key? A piece of metal that is cut to match a pattern of pins that when properly aligned can allow the key to twist open a lock. The lock on a door of why… what is this all for… How come we are here…? The Anatomy of a...
Wave of Success

Wave of Success

In the quantum world, particles behave differently when observed vs when the result is observed. Light – photons behave as a particle when observed, but when the result is observed it behaves as a wave. So if you can imagine the vibrations that connect us carries...
Blind Spots

Blind Spots

The Johari window states that we have 4 quadrants of awareness. Known to self and others, Unknown to self and others. A blind spot is when we are ignorant [or arrogant] to realizing something that everyone else sees in us. Do we live congruently with our actions or is...